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  • Writer's pictureSchoelles and Associates

Update on SBA Interim Rule for Paycheck Protection Plan Forgiveness

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and Treasury issued an interim final rule Monday addressing Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) forgiveness issues related to owner-employee compensation and the eligibility of nonpayroll costs.

Specifically, the interim final rule establishes that owner-employees with less than a 5% stake in a C or S corporation are exempted from the PPP owner-employee compensation rule for determining the amount of their compensation for loan forgiveness. The exemption’s intent is to cover owner-employees who have no meaningful ability to influence decisions over how loan proceeds are allocated, according to the interim final rule.

The guidance also details a couple of decisions that the SBA and Treasury said are designed to maintain equitable treatment between a business owner that holds property in a separate entity and one that holds the property in the same entity as its business operations.

In the first decision, the SBA and Treasury declare that...

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